Recap of First Innovation Professional Certification Program (Level 1) in HK on 22 Jul...

The first-ever Innovation Professional Certification Program (Level 1) of Global Innovation Management Institute (GIMI) was organized by Hong Kong Innvation Management Institute (HKIMI) in Hong Kong on 22 & 23 July of 2019. There...

Recap of information session: How to be International Recognized Innovation Professionals

The President of HIMI, Mr. David Chung, was invited by School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) of City University of Hong Kong to conduct a information session of the Course for Module in...

Recap of Official Kick-off Ceremony

The official kick-off ceremony of Hong Kong Innovation Management Institute (HIMI) was held on 27 July of 2019. The guest of honor of the ceremony was Dr. Bernard Chan, Under Secretary for Commerce and...

HKIMI was invited to participate GIMI annual meeting 2019

The President of HKIMI, Mr. David Chung, was invited to participate (through video conference) the annual meeting 2019 of Global Innovation Management Institute (GIMI) on 22 January of 2019. During the meeting, David shared...


2023年1月9日(星期一)下午三時在政府總部東翼教育局603室,在郭玲麗立法局議員(教育)鼎力支持下舉辦了一個教育議題會,由教育局局長蔡若蓮博士主持會議,中文大學博士校友會主席葉國洪博士策劃和召集,熱心參與的有南山區街坊福利會理事長/南山終身教育研究所所長葉國堅先生,南山區街坊福利會會董及常委張鳳凌會長(粤港澳大灣區校董及教育行政人員總會會長),鍾大為主席(香港創新管理學院主席),陳麗蒑女士(香港創新管理學院委員),廖嘉倩女士(創鋒教育校長),潘雄發先生(新亞洲博士智庫机械工程研究員),莫遠飛女士(粵港澳大湾區校董及教育行政人员總會幹事),鄭美玉女士(南山终身教育研究所秘書長),共同提出25項教育改良綱領議題。 會上大家坦誠融洽交流,蔡局長扼要解釋政府有關方針及布局,觀迎專家、教師及家長提出建設性意見。蔡局長和郭議員總结時讚揚大湾區教育團體促進湾區人才及文教交流,呼籲香港熱心教育人士支持及支援教育局推行大額投資教育新計劃,共同實現科教興國夢想。 眾與會專業人士利用這珍貴的1小時20分鐘,提出了很多實用和寶貴的建議,對教育的改良有很大的貢獻。

HKUSPACE-GIMI Certificate Program of Digital Leadership and Innovation

Rapid technology advancement is reshuffling economic powerhouses in the world landscape. With the evolution of the Revolution 4.0 progressing rapidly, the world economy is more than ever technology-driven fuelled by innovation.  As new digital...

Recap of Panel Discussion of Leading Transformation with Design

The President of HKIMI is invited by Institute for Adult Learning Singapore to participate the panel discussion of "Leading Transformation with Design" in iN.LAB of Singapore on 1 Aug of 2019

Recap of Webinar “CBF Live with U – 創新師的專業資格與思維”

Hong Kong Innovation Management Institute was invited by the School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE) of The University of Hong Kong to conduct a webinar of “CBF Live with U - 創新師的專業資格與思維” at...

The first class of HIMI-CityU GIMI Course (Level 1) was commenced on 20 Oct...

The HIMI-CityU GIMI Innovation Management Certification (Level 1) training course is a unique partnership between the Hong Kong Innovation Management Institute (the Hong Kong arm of Global Innovation Management Institute) and the School of...

GIMI-CityU Course of Innovation Associate Certification Examination Preparation (2nd Intake)

Course Brochure Course Details Online Application : Online Application : Course Details Course Brochure
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