Certification: Levels of Certification

The Innovation Certification Program of the Global Innovation Management Institute (GIM Institute) is designed for anyone interested in becoming certified in innovation as a business discipline, from creative minds to innovation professionals to business leaders mastered in innovation management. This applies to anyone who wants to broaden their capabilities in innovation, build a career in innovation, or help their organization become a leader and high performer in both the creation and capture of business value via business innovation and innovation strategies.


Level 1 certification is designed to teach you about the use of idea generation tools and to apply them in creating more and better ideas.


Level 2 will apply Level 1 learning to a real-world issue or challenge on generating new growth ideas or opportunities for the organization.


Level 3 certification reflects an understanding of the innovation management techniques that an innovation manager needs to succeed.


Level 4 applies Level 3 learning to real challenges and coming up with insights and solutions in managing innovation in organizations.